“In 2013 I was charged with three Felonies, including sex abuse of a minor and two counts of sex offense third degree. These charges carried sentences that could have possibly put me in jail for the rest of my life. I’m not one that has any confidence in a court appointed lawyer so I went online and did a google search for lawyers that handled sex abuse allegation cases and Tom’s name came up numerous times as the top sex abuse defense attorney in the nation. After talking with Tom he agreed to take my case. I am extremely satisfied and happy with the outcome of my case. Tom was able to negotiate my bail down to 10,000 dollars, and arrange a bail bondsman to bail me out, which meant I had just arrived at the jail and was released within a few hours. Tom is a bulldog when it comes to taking care of his clients. Tom was able to get a misdemeanor charge of assault in lieu of the Felony charges. With the Felony charges thrown out, I was sentenced to probation for the misdemeanor. No jail time, no fines, no sex offender registry list, no supervised probation. I can finally put this whole incident behind me and move on with my life. I have nothing but praise for Tom and his team. I don’t know how he managed to pull a rabbit out of his hat but I’m glad I called him.”
“In June 2011 I was falsely accused of indecency with a minor by my step-daughter that resulted in nine counts. Since that day in June my world was a nightmare, scared and very depressed. I had never been involved with the police for any matter before this. During this process I came to the realization that the police and prosecutors, including public opinion, are very biased. You are guilty until proven innocent, which goes against how the system is supposed to work. I took a local lawyer for my first trial, even though I had talked to Tom. I felt innocence was all I needed to win. The first trial was a hung jury and went to a second trial. I kept my local lawyer feeling that my innocence would be proven. Once again it was a hung jury. But in the second trial the prosecution was very strong against me. Now I’m not only more scared than I’ve ever been, and more depressed, I’m almost financially to the ground. Knowing that a third trial could result in the same or worse outcome, I knew a change had to be made. I made the decision to visit again with Tom about my case. After Tom reviewed my case, he said “Son, we’re going to win this”. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. Tom’s amazing team was so supportive, professional, dedicated, and they took me in like part of their family. Tom partnered up with my local lawyer, as well as Sharron, Don and my family, putting in countless days and hours preparing for the trial. Tom was the driving force that made the difference in this trial, keeping everyone focused on the goal, not guilty. In March 2014, three years later, my innocence prevailed and I was found not guilty on all counts. You are reading this because you or someone you know has been accused of a child sex crime. My advice, from the experience I’ve had for three years, is to go directly with the best in experience with these types of cases. You cannot put a monetary value on your freedom. You will not find in this country a better lawyer than Tom and his support group – Sharron, Tim and Don. I cannot say enough about how thankful I am to him for my life back. I will be eternally grateful!!!”
“One would never know exactly how scary and depressing it is to be accused of a sex crime against a child unless they have been there. Looking back however, I have to say that I was fortunate that a lawyer like Tom even exists. I spoke with several lawyers before Tom, and none of them inspired me except for Tom. I’ve read online that cases like mine are hard to beat, and after being through it, I can see why people say this. It’s an uphill battle the whole way, especially because the prosecutors are truly unprofessional and biased. I truly believe that hadn’t it been for Tom and his team, I would be rotting in prison right now. I just can’t imagine any other lawyer having more knowledge about these types of cases than Tom. If you’re reading this, you probably are going through what I did. Speaking from the depths of my heart, you won’t find a better a defense so stop looking. Tom, my family is as grateful as I am, and will never be able to thank you enough.” David
“September 2011 I was falsely accused of sexually abusing my 11 yr old stepdaughter. It supposedly started when she was 6 years old. Since I have never been in trouble before I made several mistakes. I thought the cops and Child Protective Services was looking for the truth. All they did was use what I said to twist it around because they were setting me up for a criminal trial. We used a local lawyer for the abuse and neglect case. The lawyer wasn’t able to accomplish much because it was all being set up for the criminal case. Nothing was going my way. All the evidence that the law gathered out of my home, the DNA test, computers, exam on the child, it was all negative. But the court system decided to prosecute anyways because of the allegations. Our local attorney was a good attorney but she didn’t specialize in sex crimes.
We are a Christian family and we started praying for God to lead us to a lawyer that can turn this case around. We started looking for Criminal Defense Attorneys in our state on google. All of the lawyers that we found didn’t specialize in sex crimes.. So we typed in Best Sex Crime Lawyers In the US and Tom Pavlinic’s name came up first. Tom was the answer to our prayer! We called Toms office on a Sunday evening and was shocked when Sharron who works with PDG answered the phone. Sharron gave us a lot of encouragement. Tom gave us a call right back that evening and we agreed to drive to Maryland to meet him at his office the next Saturday. We found Tom to be warm, caring, compassionate and with our interest at heart. After meeting Tom that day I knew Tom was really the only chance I would have to bring the truth out in this case. I was amazed at how relentless of a worker Tom and our local lawyer that Tom picked out to be his co-counsel was. Tom said that they had to out work the prosecution and they did. Through their countless hours of hard work I was found INNOCENT on all charges on April 24, 2013. Thank God for Tom Pavlinic because we have a close family and it could have been totally destroyed. After almost two years I finally have my life back. When everything is against you. You need to find the best to represent you to weather the storm. In my case it could have cost me 50 years of my life. Just because on the outside of the court house it says “Truth and Justice For All” don’t think for a minute that is on the inside of that building. Thanks Tom and Sharron we will always have love and respect for you both. We will always consider you both part of our family!” Roger